You are incredible

We think more people should know

Become a Sentur Collaborator

Bring your expertise & passion to the Sentur community and
amplify your impact on individuals’ healing journeys.

The Sentur Collaborator Program is currently going through a redesign.
Sign up to be the first to know when we reopen it.

an image of the joint hands of IFS professionals who collaborate with Sentur.

Meet The Sentur Collaborators

We are dedicated to professional excellence. The content in Sentur’s library is carefully thought out, created and curated. It is the result of a collaboration with well-established mental health professionals who bring real-world experience and evidence-based tools from their practice to integrate into the app.

  • A portrait of Alessio Rizzo, an IFS level 3 licensed therapist.

    Alessio Rizzo

    Level III Interna Family Systems (IFS) Therapist, MA, MSc, UKCP (Accredited)
    Learn more

  • A portrait of Jenna Riemersma, an IFS level 3 licensed therapist.

    Jenna Riemersma

    Certified Level III IFS Therapist
    Approved IFS Clinical Consultant
    Developed the Move Toward IFS shorthand tool
    Learn more

  • A portrait of Mariel Pastor, Lead Trainer at the IFS Institute

    Mariel Pastor

    Lead Trainer - Internal Family Systems (IFS) Institute, LMFT
    Learn more

  • A portrait of Michelle Glass, an IFS level 3 licensed practitiones

    Michelle Glass

    Certified Level III IFS Practitioner, Author of Daily Parts Meditation Practice® (DPMP®)
    Learn more

  • A portrait of Sarah Houy, Co-founder and co-CEO of Sentur, Certified IFS Practitioner & Consultant

    Sarah Houy

    Co-founder & Co-CEO, Setur, Certified IFS Practitioner & Consultant, MA, EMDR Clinician, LPC
    Learn more

  • A portrait of Susan McConnell, Senior Trainer at the IFS Institute.

    Susan McConnell

    Senior Trainer - Internal Family Systems (IFS) Institute, MA, CHT
    Learn more

The Sentur Collaborator Program

Empowering Healing Through Collaboration

Envision a world where every person on their healing journey feels supported in every moment of their life not just within the sanctuary of the therapeutic hour. 

Our collaborator program allows you to bring your IFS-inspired content easily and intelligently into the hands of those on their healing journey to offer the support they deserve 24/7.

The program is specifically designed to showcase and amplify the incredible wealth of wisdom and compassion in our professional community. 

Become a collaborator and amplify your impact!

You are a busy IFS therapist and you don’t have the time to bring all of your IFS ideas into the world. 

You love creating IFS content in the form of meditations, workbooks, and other tools to help people.

You already have IFS books, meditations, courses, exercises, art, or other creative content you have created. 

You are looking for a new & exciting way to share your passion for IFS and make an impact in the mental health space.

Join because

Sentur Collaborator Creating IFS content

Your ifs-inspired content digitized and housed in the Sentur app as an experience available for every user

Dedicated marketing resources during the launch - communication through our branded social media channels and through email to our user database; paid digital advertising

Quarterly co-marketing activities through our branded channels

Monetary compensation based on usage through a revenue-sharing model

You get

You are incredible

We think more people should know

Easily bring your expertise & passion to those on their healing journey and amplify your impact.

Become a Sentur Collaborator

The Sentur Collaborator Program is currently going through a redesign. Leave your email to be the first to know when we reopen it.